
About SheLi nan

Sheli Nan composes music that defies boundaries. Her Baroque and Classical training coupled with having lived all over the world produce a unique sound; a 21st century harmony. Giving credit to earlier musical iterations what she composes is fresh, invigorating, accessible and moving. Her music is performed locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. She composes from solo harpsichord and piano up to string quartets, chamber music and orchestra. Her choral music encompasses opera, (and librettos) Oratorios and Requiems.

Greetings from The Music Studio of Sheli Nan

Greetings from Sheli Nan

I’m deeply saddened by the challenges our state is facing and send my heartfelt support to all affected.

Here’s my news:
Requiem for the Ancestors: Día de Los Muertos
A large-scale work in English and Spanish, recorded by Parma with the Kühn Choir of Prague, will release this fall.

Upcoming Premieres
PATHOS: Feb. 8, Center for New Music, SF (baritone & guitar)
Flash Forward: Mar. 10, NYC with North-South Consonance Orchestra

New Works
Goddess of Endurance (horn trio)
By the Bayou (tuba/euphonium quartet)
Rock Paper Scissors (brass quartet)

Up Coming Events

I’m thrilled to invite you to the premiere of my new string orchestra composition, FLASH FORWARD, on March 10th in NYC! This piece means a lot to me, and I’d love to share this special moment with friends, family, and fellow music lovers.
Location: Christ and St Stephens Church – 122 W 69th Street
Date: March 10th

The venue’s beautiful acoustics will make this an unforgettable experience. Hope to see you there!
PARMA Recordings Bob Lord American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers (ASCAP)
Maxi es Lifschitz
The Albany Consort Jonathan Salzedo
NACUSAsf – The National Association of Composers USA, San Francisco Chapter
Western Early Keyboard Association Avazona The Azrieli Foundation International Horn Society MusicSources
Berkeley Chamber Performances The Freight League of Composers-ISCM WSU Pullman University of Puget Sound Classical KDFC KPFA Radio

Music has always been my way of telling stories, bridging the past with the present.
Being part of Women of Note in New York is more than just a performance –
it’s a celebration of artistry, resilience, and the voices that shape our world.
I’m beyond honored to share this stage with such inspiring women and bring these powerful compositions to life.
If you’re in NYC, come experience this unforgettable evening with us!

Join Me for a Musical Journey:

I’m especially excited about the upcoming premiere of my new piece, “FLASH FORWARD,” for string orchestra on March 10th in New York City! I would love for you to join me for this event, and I warmly invite you to introduce yourself when you come. It’s going to be a fantastic experience, and I’d love to see fellow Wheatleyites there!

Thanks again for reading, and I look forward to seeing you at one of these concerts! 🎶

Special Thanks to:
PARMA Recordings, Bob Lord, American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers (ASCAP), Maxi es Lifschitz, The Albany Consort, Jonathan Salzedo, NACUSAsf (National Association of Composers USA – San Francisco Chapter), Western Early Keyboard Association, Avazona, The Azrieli Foundation, International Horn Society, MusicSources, Berkeley Chamber Performances, The Freight, League of Composers-ISCM, WSU Pullman, University of Puget Sound, Classical KDFC, KPFA Radio.